Hiking in High Tatras
Apartments Kukucka
Skalnaté Pleso-direct hiking trail from Hotel Kukučka
If you are in the High Tatras for the first time, we recommend a walk to Skalnaté pleso as the first tourist route. You can connect to the green tourist sign about 200 m from the Hotel Kukučka in the direction of the Tatranská Lomnica resort. You continue to the Start station - through Skalnata chata - to Skalnate pleso. Technically, it is a relatively simple output. The higher passages are steeper and the surface is gravelly, so we recommend being careful there. The route itself is not very interesting, but it is a good fitness training :-) The goal is interesting - beautiful views from Skalnate pleso, a view of Lomnické Sedlo and Lomnický Štít. Refreshments are available at Skalnata chata or in the restaurant by the cable car.
Total time to finish: 2.5 hours
Elevation: 901 m
Distance: 10 km
Tourist sign: green
Cold Creek Falls
The magical Studený Potok Waterfalls are a popular destination and also very popular. There is also a direct route from our apartments in Kukučka, so you will not need a car for the trip. The route is undemanding, it is rather such a pleasant walk. You start towards the ski resort Tatranská Lomnica and connect to the blue sign, later the route turns to the left under the cable car you enter the forest zone. A pleasant and undemanding forest path will take you to the bridge that leads over the Studený potok and above it to the crossroads at the Studený Potok Waterfalls. You can go back the same way, or continue through Hrebienok to Starý Smokovec (we mention below)
Total time to goal: 1.5 hours
Elevation: 405 m
Distance: 5.3 km
Tourist sign: blue